We have had a long stretch (since the end of February) without any major retrogrades, but that is about to change. It’s time for retrograde season to begin! What’s that? You’re not looking forward to retrograde season? Well, that is hard to believe… this is where the deep digging begins as we redo, reevaluate, review, (pretty much anything that begins with “re”) again. Who doesn’t look forward to that?
Even dear sweet Pluto is making preparations, as he has already begun to station (slow down). It takes him 248 years to orbit the Earth; maybe that’s why he’s a bit of a creeper? Pluto can spend 14 – 30 years in a sign; he’s been in Capricorn since 2008 and will remain there until 2024.
Pluto will go retrograde on April 27 at 26 degrees and 48 minutes of Capricorn. He will retrograde back to 24 degrees and 19 minutes — like I said, he is a creeper. He has basically worked his way through Capricorn with three steps forward, two steps back. This is important because Pluto needs time…time to create transformations that only happen once and change your life forever.
Let’s face it — we have had lots of momentous change across the globe since 2008…thanks, Pluto-in-Capricorn! Saturn rules Capricorn and is the sign of government oversight, big business, and careers. However, Pluto is in the last decan of the sea goat, and it is time for some mastery; so, everything becomes a challenge (x 10!)
Note on Decans: each sign has three decans which represent 10 degree segments. So, 0 degrees to 29 degrees of each sign are broken down into:
- 0 – 9 degrees – “Easy-peasy”;
- 10 – 19 degrees – “Ok I think I got the hang of this”; and
- 20 – 29 degrees – “Holy Gail Batman, this is way harder than I thought it was going to be!”
Pluto happens to be in the last decan (20 – 29 degrees) of Capricorn. That’s right — harder than the search for the Holy Grail, but it probably isn’t what you think it is — follow?
Pluto is about the ginormous reality checks. If you look back on the biggest turning points in your life, Pluto is probably aspecting one of more of your major placements. As a matter of fact, if you have anything between 24 – 29 degrees of Capricorn, Pluto is going to be working on you for a while. It is also a reality check for anyone with placements in the last Decan of any of the Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra Capricorn.
A Pluto transit isn’t always to be feared, but something in your life will transform, and that only comes from the release (death) of something, and the embrace (birth) of something new. When Pluto is retrograde we have an opportunity to integrate all the transformation that we have experienced since he went direct that last time.
Pluto has been direct since 10/4/20. That gives us, just shy of five months of leveling up and transformation to assimilate into our soul. We will have until 10/6/21 to manage this process. So, remember, most people had to read The DaVinci Code before they realized that the Holy Gail wasn’t a cup… This is an opportunity to see things from and entirely different perspective and potentially turn some water into wine.